What Are the Causes of Low Testosterone, and How Can It Be Resolved? plus 8 Tips

Testosterone is an important hormone for males, responsible for the development of reproductive tissue, increased muscle mass, bone density, and hair growth. Its production generally reaches its peak during puberty and then declines with age. But why do some individuals have low testosterone levels?

The aging process is often blamed for a reduction in testosterone levels, particularly in men over 30, who have a 25% incidence of low testosterone. However, lifestyle factors are more likely to be the prime cause of low testosterone production.

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A 2007 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism revealed that various elements of one’s lifestyle and health can lead to an accelerated decline in hormone production.

Though one cannot stop the natural process of aging, it is possible to take steps to avoid conditions such as weight gain, physical inactivity, stress, and insomnia, which all have an impact on testosterone production.

What Are the Causes of Low Testosterone?

Low testosterone levels may be caused by reduced production of testosterone in the body. This occurs when the body does not produce enough of the hormone for it to serve its normal functions. In addition, an overabundance of hormones or enzymes that inhibit testosterone from operating as it should can result in low levels of the hormone. For example, high levels of aromatase enzymes can increase testosterone production, but the body converts the excess testosterone to estrogen, leading to low testosterone levels.

Hypogonadism, or low testosterone production, is very common in men over 30. However, before discussing this further, it’s important to understand the symptoms associated with this condition, and there are a number of causes:

  • Chronic Stress: When someone experiences chronic stress, cortisol levels are elevated, which has a detrimental effect on testosterone production.
  • Weight Gain: By consuming unhealthy, high-calorie foods, weight gain can occur, which elevates estrogen levels, increases cortisol, disturbs sleep, and generates inflammation. All of these factors have a negative effect on testosterone production as well as free testosterone levels.
  • Age: As people age, it appears that the aging process itself does not decrease testosterone. Although lifestyle changes related to getting older can lower testosterone production,
  • Poor sleep: Bad sleep is known to bring about a marked change in testosterone levels. Studies have demonstrated that poor sleep can lead to a drastic reduction in testosterone.
  • Diet: Diet is one of the main lifestyle factors that can affect testosterone levels. Eating too few calories can cause extreme fatigue and lead to low testosterone. On the other hand, eating too many calories can lead to weight gain, poor nutrition, and eventually low testosterone as well. Foods and drinks that can lower testosterone levels include chronic alcohol abuse, high-soy diets, and junk foods that can contain high amounts of phthalates.
  • Medication, illnesses, and injuries: There are also certain medications, illnesses, and injuries that can lead to low testosterone levels. If someone has an injury directly to the testicles, that can greatly reduce testosterone production. Certain treatments for cancer and some genetic disorders can also affect testosterone levels.
  • Overtraining: Overtraining is another way to accidentally lower testosterone levels. When exercising too frequently without taking time to properly rest and recover, this can create a lack of sleep, increase cortisol levels, and interfere with the body’s normal testosterone production.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency?

A decline in the hormone testosterone may result in numerous symptoms, some of which can exacerbate the condition. For instance, individuals who have lower testosterone levels are more likely to develop depression. This can have detrimental effects on one’s sleep quality and appetite, leading to weight gain as well as higher levels of cortisol, which further lower testosterone production.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone: Fatigue, Depression or Low Mood, Loss of Libido, Accumulation of Body Fat, Impotence, and Gynecomastia

What are eight Strategies to Increase Testosterone Levels?

While we can’t turn back the clock on aging, we can take steps to restore balanced testosterone levels through various treatments. Here are 8 ways to restore healthy testosterone levels:

#1: Sleep 8 hours.

The importance of a good night’s sleep can’t be overemphasized. Sleep deprivation can have a significant negative impact on your health and your testosterone levels. Studies have revealed that lack of sleep can cause a drop in testosterone levels in young men who are otherwise healthy, and even worse effects have been seen in older men.

To combat the effects of sleep deprivation, set yourself a bedtime and stick to it. Also, be sure to avoid the consumption of caffeine after four in the afternoon and take herbal remedies such as ashwagandha and ginseng, which are known to promote healthier sleep.

#2: Learn How to Manage Stress better.

Finding relief from chronic stress can be difficult, as it is often an inevitable part of life. However, it is important to recognize that long-lasting stress can have a negative effect on both mental health and testosterone levels.

To help cope with stress, there are many steps one can take. These range from major life-changing decisions such as switching jobs to taking more simple measures such as going for a walk in nature or getting quality sleep.

To stay healthy, both mentally and physiologically, it is important to try to avoid stress where possible. If stress is becoming unmanageable, seeking guidance from medical professionals such as doctors or therapists can be beneficial.

#3: Eat a Healthy Diet

If you want to increase your testosterone, it is important that you include healthy fats with good cholesterol in your diet. Cruciferous vegetables are packed with aromatase inhibitors, and eating them regularly can help prevent testosterone decline. Furthermore, having a balanced diet can aid in restful sleep, decrease body fat, and preserve and possibly even enhance testosterone levels.

#4: Avoid Testosterone Killers

One should be aware of certain foods and beverages that can diminish testosterone if consumed in abundance. Alcohol, fast food, and soy are the most popularly recognized testosterone killers. But there are some lesser-known testosterone killers, such as liquorice and mint, that can be equally harmful to your testosterone levels. Our article shows you more about what to avoid in order to keep your testosterone levels up.

#5: Exercise regularly.

Exercise is beneficial for so many areas of health, and it can also increase testosterone levels. Research has found that exercise has an effect on testosterone levels both in the short and long term. Lifting weights and training intensively are two ways of optimizing the testosterone-boosting effects of exercise for men, but getting any amount of exercise can have positive results.

#6: Prioritize Recovery

Why do men have low testosterone? One answer may be overtraining. This is where you are exercising excessively or too intensely without giving your body enough time to rest and heal. Excessive exercise can lead to higher cortisol levels, sleeplessness, depression, and stress. Ultimately, this results in low testosterone.

If you want to avoid overtraining, make sure your training plan fits your body’s abilities and allows enough time for recovery. To make sure that you are recovering as you should, make sure to get enough sleep, take Epsom salt baths, increase your protein intake, and look into using supplements.

#7: Keep Body Fat low.

There is considerable evidence suggesting that a high body fat percentage is linked to a decrease in testosterone levels. Conversely, losing body fat appears to be associated with an increase in testosterone.

#8: Use Supplements

If you would like to boost your testosterone and support healthy levels, try TestoPrime. This supplement contains a range of effective ingredients that help reduce fatigue, improve sleep, and promote healthy testosterone. Used in conjunction with the other 7 tips mentioned in this article, TestoPrime can produce impressive results.

Ashwagandha and ginseng, two of the components found in TestoPrime, have been studied for their effects on reducing stress and improving sleep quality. Both of these ingredients can aid in the protection of testosterone production and aid in slight boosts in the long term.

Also, TestoPrime includes other ingredients that can directly increase testosterone, helping young and older men alike. All of these components together form the foundation of this amazing supplement.

Final Thoughts

Age is often blamed for low testosterone, but this is simply not true. It is not age itself that causes low testosterone, but rather the lifestyle changes and body changes that come with aging. However, these can be prevented, and a healthy 50-year-old man can have higher testosterone levels than an unhealthy 20-year-old.

Age is no longer a barrier when it comes to testosterone; anyone can take proactive steps to protect and enhance their testosterone levels. So don’t wait; start taking action today and discover the results for yourself.