Tips for Dieting for Bodybuilding Competitions

Stepping on stage shredded demands a strategic nutrition plan. You must burn fat while retaining hard-earned muscle. Let’s break down the dietary formulas for coming in competition ready!

Calculate Your Calorie Needs

First determine your maintenance calories – the amount sustaining current weight. Starting points:

  • 15-17 calories per pound for lean men
  • 13-15 calories per pound for lean women

Next, create a moderate daily deficit of 500 calories through diet and cardio. This sparks fat loss of ~1 pound per week without losing mass.

As you lean out, reassess needs and adjust deficit every 4 weeks. Metabolism slows over prep requiring fewer calories.

Determine Your Macros

Once in an overall calorie deficit: precisely set macros.


Consume 1 gram per pound of body weight or slightly more. This prevents catabolizing muscle for energy. Space 20-40 grams across 5-6 meals.


Incorporate ~0.4 grams per pound, focusing on healthy unsaturated sources. Essential to hormone production and vitamin absorption.


Fill remaining calories, adjusting up/down to control lean mass fullness and crisp conditioning. Often 1-2 grams per pound works well.

Time Nutrients Strategically

Nutrient timing makes the macros work their magic:

  • Spike pre/post workout with 40-60 grams fast carbs to fuel intense sessions and replenish glycogen.
  • Consume a slow digesting casein shake before bed to feed muscles overnight.
  • Reduce carbs further and increase cardio 6 weeks out to tighter skin for definition.
  • Load back 48 hours before stage for fuller muscle bellies the day of.

Proper timing techniques create prize winning package!

Sample Prep Meal Plan

7 AM: Oatmeal, egg whites, blueberries
9 AM: Chicken, brown rice, greens 12 PM: Sirloin, sweet potato, asparagus 3 PM: Whey, banana, peanut butter 6 PM: Salmon, quinoa, snap peas 9 PM: Casein shake

Tweak meal quantities and contents to sync with your established calorie and macro numbers. Prioritize nutrition variety and density.

Additional Tips

Finally, lock these habits in to truly thrive:

  • Drink a gallon of water daily to flush bloat and toxins
  • Prioritize sleep quantity and quality
  • Incorporate HIIT sessions to incinerate fat
  • Limit sodium the final week
  • Carb up properly before stepping on stage

Trust the championship prep process! Dial these strategies in over 16+ methodical weeks to reveal your greatest physique.

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The Final Takeaway

Bodybuilding demands meticulous nutritional periodization. Calculate a moderate deficit with ample protein to protect muscle. Strategically time carbs/fats to fill out on show day.

Master posing, peak conditioning and a crowd-wowing routine to impress judges and audiences alike!

Now go out there and start working towards that elusive gold trophy!