Simple Protein for healthy life

In order to increase the strength and immunity of the body, first of all you need non-vegetarian or protein rich food. As the food improves the muscles, it also eliminates the lack of nutrition in the body. However, due to the prevalence of coronavirus in rich and poor people around the world, we have to think about protein-rich foods that are acceptable, readily available and affordable for all. Many are in financial crisis at the moment. He should also think about the money and fix the food.

Proteins are made up of many amino acids. It contains 16 percent nitrogen. 20-30 percent of the daily food requirement should come from protein. Protein foods are needed at all ages.

Insufficient protein weakens the body and lowers the immune system. Protein is involved in the metabolism of sugary and fatty foods. The body also needs protein to make antibodies, which will help reduce the risk of coronavirus. In addition, the body keeps the body healthy by participating in the action of digestive juices, hormones, plasma proteins, hemoglobin, vitamins and enzymes.

Some proteins foods are readily available


Eggs are high sulfur-containing proteins, meaning they contain sufficient amino acids. In addition there is iron, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D. Eggs are good for immunity. If you want to add more protein to the egg, you can make omelets and pudding by mixing milk in the egg. In addition, if you cook eggs with pulses, its protein will increase. Eating an egg every day is healthy.


Almonds are a good source of protein. Peanuts are more readily available and cheaper than other nuts. It contains thiamine, nyamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and magnesium. Almond fatty foods. It eliminates mouth sores. Magnesium works well on the nervous system and reduces fatigue. Which is very necessary for this period? Using almond powder in making baby food will eliminate malnutrition. Almonds can be eaten at all ages and at any time. Almonds are also called heart-friendly food. It also contains high amount of calcium.


All fish, big and small, are rich in protein and mega-3 fatty acids. It contains unsaturated fats. Fish contain selenium, magnesium and phosphorus which help in immunity. Again, fish is very useful in long-term inflammatory diseases. Fish oil contains sufficient vitamin D, which helps prevent coronavirus. Jeol fish such as shing, magur, shoal, taki etc. increase the taste of fish food. As a result, corona is good for patients. Fish is also beneficial for asthma patients. When fish is cooked on low heat, its nutritional value is maintained.


Pulses are one of the most available sources of protein. By mixing two or three types of pulses, the lack of meat is filled to a great extent. Lentils contain the most protein. In addition to cooking pulses, you can also get protein by making a variety of snacks with pudding pudding, dal bara, or besan. Apart from this, gram and pea are also not less beneficial. Chhola can be eaten raw, boiled or fried. Dried gram fried i.e. broken boots, fried pulses, chutney are also readily available sources of protein. Peas and lentils contain a substance called maponin, which prevents blood cholesterol from rising. People can be better just by eating pulses-rice, pulses, bread.


Khichuri made with rice-pulses-oil is a very calorie rich, protein rich nutritious food. It can be eaten at all ages. Khichuri enhances immunity. This is because the combined amino acids of rice and pulses make it rich. It is better to add some vegetables to the khichuri. At this time, after playing khichuri for a day or two in a row, the food will be varied and the taste will also return.


Milk enhances immunity. If possible, it is better to eat a cup of milk or milk-based food every day. Children can be given milk-semolina, paise, milk-semai, milk-mudri, milk-khai, milk-rice, milk-chira etc. Milk contains casein and lactane albumin. Both are proteins. Yogurt can be eaten instead of milk. Yogurt is easy to digest. Its bacteria help the body absorb calcium and vitamin B complex. If you can’t eat milk, you can eat soybeans, legumes, bean sprouts, sweet pumpkin sprouts, sajna leaves, spinach.

Barbati, Dhandas, Sajanepata, Tamarind leaves: Protein can be easily obtained by eating barbati and dhandas as vegetables. This time the drums are going to be available. This beech also has enough protein. Apart from this, you can also get protein by cooking and stuffing vegetables in sajna. Again, tamarind leaves contain several amino acids. For this, tamarind leaf paste is no less useful.

The consumption of Testogen uk will assist you in burning fat and building muscles during exercise and will boost your energy and stamina levels.

So there is no reason to worry about having to eat protein or non-vegetarian food during corona. Eat as much protein as possible and eat a balanced diet throughout the day. A lot of sugary foods are not needed at this time. There is a risk of weight gain.